Cambridge Presybyterian was founded in 1892.
See a copy of our original service from October 16, 1892, or our re-dedication on December 28, 1924.
Recent Clergy include:
Barton Kelso (1983 - 2008)
Kevin Manuel (2012 - 2016)
Benjamin Black (2018 – 2024)
Recent History (1983-Present)
In January 1983, Reverend Bart Kelso was installed as our new pastor. Pastor Kelso’s ministry was highlighted by vigorous preaching of the Word, witness to international students, encouragement of women in the ministry, strong emphasis on Christian impetus for social, economic and political change and a focus on missions.
In 1992, Cambridge Presbyterian Church hired Felicia Brady-Lopez, allowing our music ministry to flourish. Felicia’s talents and heart for worship continue to allow superb music to be at the center of our services every week. We celebrate a broad spectrum of musical styles that appropriately reflect the changing composition of our congregation. Approximately one-third of our congregation is from West Africa. The music program continues to flourish under the leadership of Felicia Brady-Lopez: the choir is growing, we have a praise team, and we incorporate a range of instruments in our music program. We include traditional instruments like piano, guitar, and bass guitar, as well as non-traditional instruments, such as accordion, clarinet, and euphonium. Ms. Brady-Lopez celebrated her 25th anniversary with Cambridge Presbyterian Church in November 2017.
Reverend Kelso retired in January 2008. In September of 2012, Reverend Kevin Manuel was installed as pastor. The life of our church was advanced in multiple ways under Reverend Manuel’s leadership. The organizational governance of Cambridge Presbyterian was refined more clearly, with editing of the church by-laws to ensure more efficient coordination of leadership efforts (including dissolution of a Board of Trustees which had been elected separately from the Session). A far-reaching set of renovations of building and grounds was accomplished as well, creating under Reverend Manuel’s oversight:
A new elevator to provide total access of the entire facility for attendees with disabilities
A new Steinway piano
A refurbished organ
The installation of a new sound system
A new hearing assistance system for those with hearing impairments
A completely remodeled kitchen and front garden (accessible from Inman Square)
Cambridge Presbyterian Church is now poised for pursuing new opportunities in worship, spiritual growth, outreach, and mission with safe, healthy, and functional facilities! Following a Mission Renewal Study led by Michael Birbeck in 2014 we identified two areas of priority: homeless & hungry outreach and an outreach to “younger generations”.
Reverend Manuel resigned in 2016 due to health reasons. Reverend Virginia Coakley served as temporary pastor during 2017. Reverend Benjamin Black from Pittsburgh, PA was called to serve Cambridge Presbyterian Church and served from March 2018 through October 2024. We are excited about what God has in store for His kingdom here!
This church history is based on the more detailed information compiled by Beverly Shank in ‘A Covenant for The People: 1892-1992’.